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Cultural Teambuilding

Not only through dressing up, participants will also be motivated to join in a new culture through walking into the scene and interacting with the aboriginals in carnival style. Being situated in such cultural melting pot helps to awaken participant insight and become pro-actively ready for any challenge ahead.

Descendants of the dragon

Dragon dance is a traditional dance in Chinese culture. it is most often seen in festive celebrations. Now, you have a great opportunity to have a dragon dance for your teams and corporate to instead of watching in Chinese festival.

African Culture

​This teambuilding workshop is tailor-designed and targets at generating team momentum, which will drive for performance and champion better team goals.

To develop all participants' thinking power and creativities, providing a platform for participants to be a one-day company's director and run the business.

Create unique & dramatic fashion statement with a corporate collection

Pirates Journey

Business Simulation

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